Grades 6-10 Faith Formation Review
Sundays, January 5th & 12th 2020 - Mindfulness
When you are done with the activities below, please answer all the questions on the form at this link
Watch the video of guest speaker Luanne DeFelice
Watch the video
Preparation for the Workshops
When we use mindfulness as a prayer form, there are a variety of approaches that can be used. We come to know how to notice good emotions and thoughts by reading the Bible, talking to people of faith we trust and going to Mass. God loves you and wants what is best for you. When we take time for quiet prayer, it provides God a space to be present.
Prayer Approach 1: Centering Prayer
Watch this video to learn about this type of prayer.
Prayer Approach 2: The Examen
Prayer Approach 3: Body Relaxation Audio
In order to be mindful we sometimes need to have a way to move beyond our stress which appears in our body. Listen to this audio and try out a way to lower one’s anxiety. This can be used as a practice before praying.
***Don't forget to complete the questions! Click here!