Easter Food Collection
The Social Action Ministry is once again collecting food for our Easter Food Program.
To see the list of perishable foods for donation, please click here.
The final weekends to collect food are April 2 and 3 and April 9 and 10. Non-perishable foods for a delicious Easter dinner, as well as other non-perishable items, are all welcome. Some suggestions are canned fruit and vegetables, tuna, instant mashed potatoes, stuffing mix, cereal, peanut, jelly, desserts and dessert mixes, pasta and sauce as well as coffee. Please ensure that all the food you bring in is not about to expire.
New this year we will be asking folks to use Sign Up Genius to shop for perishable foods. Directions and the list of items needed will be live on the parish website beginning on March 24. If you would like to contribute you will be asked to purchase such items as bags of apples, carrots, oranges and potatoes. Fresh produce items will need to be brought to church only on the weekend of April 9 and 10. Delivery to the families takes place on April 11. Sign Up Genius will list the items and quantity of perishable items needed. Please click here to see the list on Sign Up Genius and sign up to donate a perishable food item.
If you would like still another alternative we are planning to provide each family with an added treat in the form of donated Easter candy. Chocolate bunnies, jelly beans, peeps, etc. will be divided up randomly among the families receiving food for Easter. Look for a collection basket at each entrance during the final two weeks of the collection. Please place any food brought to church on the racks in the vestibule. As always, leftover donations will be brought to the Baldwinsville Food Pantry or local VFW right after Easter to help others in our community. Thank you in advance for your generosity. If you are, or know someone who is, in need of food this Easter season, please call the office. All requests are kept confidential.