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For the month of March, the Social Action Ministry (SAM) will once again be sponsoring a used eyeglass and hearing aid collection. Below are the details for each collection.  Thank you for your continuing support of the Baldwinsville Lions and Lions Glasses and Hearing Aid Recycling Programs!


As a public service project, parishioners are asked to dig deep into their miscellaneous drawers and consider donating any used or unwanted eyeglasses or hearing aids. The Lions Club will deliver the glasses to a local Walmart, which in turn delivers them to their company’s processing center, where the glasses are cleaned and calibrated. Walmart then provides the glasses to various nonprofits that participate in medical missions to underprivileged countries where the glasses are distributed.


Please note the recently updated Lions Club Guidelines for Eyeglasses:
- Please, NO cases or loose lenses or glasses in bad condition (missing a stem, bent nose piece, etc.)

- Cheaters/peepers (drugstore glasses) and prescription and nonprescription sunglasses are welcome.


There will be collection baskets in the vestibule throughout the month. Any used hearing aids should be placed in an envelope, and if a donation receipt is requested, simply put your pertinent information on a piece of paper included with the hearing aid.


All hearing aids, including unused batteries, will be given to the Finger Lakes Regional Lions Hearing Foundation.  The hearing aids will be sent to a facility near Binghamton, where they will be cleaned and reconditioned.  Once prepared, the hearing aids will be distributed to those with financial hardships in the Central New York area.


Thank you for your ongoing interest and participation in the many SAM projects throughout the year. In this case your donation may open the eyes to see or the ears to hear something unimaginable to those in need. It can be a lasting gift passed on for generations.

See images below of some previous Social Action Ministry collections and the impact they had on the community!
Thank you, as always, for your support!

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Baldwinsville, NY 13027
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