The members of St Augustine’s parish are happy to assist you in your time of need. The food bags contain a variety of products designed to fill an emergency need for you and your family. These items are donated or purchased by the parish and are not intended to be a long term solution to your food safety net.
We strongly recommend that you call the county hotline 211 for referrals to government agencies for public assistance, housing and food stamps. The hot line will assess your needs and may also refer you to large scale community funded programs such as PEACE, The Rescue Mission and Salvation Army. They can offer a variety of programs depending on your needs.
Additional emergency food assistance can be obtained at the Baldwinsville Community Food Pantry which is at the Baldwinsville First United Methodist Church located at 17 West Genesee St Baldwinsville. Please call ahead for the hours of the pantry. 315- 635-6442. In addition PEACE Inc Family Resource Center is located at 93 Syracuse Street Baldwinsville. Telephone 315-638-1051. This agency also offers a variety of services to help those in need.
In addition St Augustine and St Mary’s Parishes have joined together to facilitate a certified therapist from Catholic Charities to meet with clients at a mutually acceptable location, including at St Augustine’s on Thursdays. His services are open to any local residents in need of assistance and fees are assessed on a sliding scale. No one is refused treatment for lack of funds. If you believe yourself or a member of your family could benefit from such services please call the parish office at 315-638-0585 for further information. Sometimes a qualified therapist can facilitate personal healing or locate services specific to your needs. It could be the start of a new beginning.
Again, the people of St Augustines are more than happy to assist you with a one time emergency food bag. Please know we pray for your well being spiritually and otherwise. Come and join the parish for liturgies and fellowship. All are welcome in this most giving and active parish.
Blessings to you,
SAM, the parish social action ministry.
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