Parish Outreach Ministries
The Parish Outreach Ministries discern the needs of persons in the parish and wider community, especially the poor, and identify resources to meet these needs, enlisting the active cooperation of parishioners. These ministries acknowledge our baptismal call to service and work for justice. The ministries’ scope of responsibility is two-fold: to meet immediate needs and to work for changes in structures of society.
Pastoral Council Representative Lucretia Hudzinski
Bereavement Ministry for more information contact Debbie Krisher.
Bethany Hospitality Committee
Lazarus Ministry
Funeral Liturgies
Adult Servers
Extraordinary Ministers of the Eucharist
Funeral Programs
Recording Ministry
Covenant Weekend Committee
Food Pantry
Hospitality Reception Team for more information contact Debbie Krisher.
Information Table for more information contact Colleen Lasher.
New Beginnings Picnic Committee for more information contact Debbie Krisher.
Pastoral Visitors for more information contact Nick Kurpita.
Prayer Line Ministry
Prayer Shawl Ministry is one of our outreach ministries. Founded in 2004 by Rick and Karen Sikorski. Coordinated since 2006 by Rose Hurd and Carol Turner. As of April 2018 we have given away 1,000 shawls and baby blankets. Read more...
St. Augustine's 50th Anniversary Celebration
St. Joseph's Day Dinner Celebration for more information contact Cathy Garvey.
Senior Luncheon Committee for more information contact Debbie Krisher.